At a glance

Our most recent PwC Pulse Survey, conducted in October 2022, found that 70% of CFOs are very concerned about the impact of macroeconomic conditions on their business, and with good reason. In 2022, the Federal Reserve raised interest rates seven times and US inflation increased 7.1% over the same time last year . At the same time, consumer confidence is waning, and the Russia Ukraine conflict continues. All of this is affecting supply chains that had not yet recovered from the challenges of COVID-19. That’s a lot.

This uncertainty can create accounting, auditing, financial reporting, and regulatory risks. In response to this uncertainty, PwC is introducing the Accounting in uncertain economic times placemat series. This interactive tool is intended to help companies identify how different macroeconomic trends may impact accounting and reporting in different areas, understand the judgments involved, and locate additional PwC resources to navigate these issues.

To launch these placemats, click here: Accounting in uncertain economic times placemat series
To optimize the functionality of the placemat series, we recommend downloading the PDF and opening via a PDF reader program. Alternatively, if using in a web-based browser, adjust your settings to "fit to width" format and open the additional resources by right-clicking and selecting "open link in new window".
Also see our companion publication, FAQ on accounting in uncertain economic times, that discusses the topics in these placemats in further detail.

To have a deeper discussion, contact:
Pat Durbin
Samantha Tice
Latina Fauconier
For more PwC accounting and reporting content, visit us at On the go? Take our podcast series with you at the Viewpoint podcasts page.
1 Data as of November 2022
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